
On going project

I’ve visited my parents house twice (2011 and 2013) in the past eleven years. While on my visits, I used my analog cameras to take photographs of the spaces and portraits of things I missed the most.

I used my medium format Yashica-A, which I was still learning how to use but very excited to start framing memories. Back in Barcelona, I developed the rolls and a lot of the photos came out unfocused. I found this “error” to be magical because it reflected the sensation I had, starting to slowly forget the details from home.

As I can’t visit home that often, I am constantly find myself thinking on all the things I miss the most. I keep adding to my list more names of people and objects that are and were part of my life and that I plan to photograph them on my next visit.

November 2011 / September 2013.
Maracaibo, Venezuela.